is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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Conversations Program category: talk
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Scheduled BroadcastsMTuWThF | 12:05a- 1:00a | ABC RN QLD | Sa | 12:05a- 1:00a | ABC RN NSW , ABC RN VIC | MTuWThF | 12:35a- 1:30a | ABC RN NT | Sa | 12:35a- 1:30a | ABC RN SA | Sa | 1:05a- 2:00a | ABC RN QLD | Sa | 1:35a- 2:30a | ABC RN NT | MTuWThF | 2:05a- 3:00a | ABC RN WA | Sa | 3:05a- 4:00a | ABC RN WA | MTuWThF | 7:05a- 8:00a | ABC RN NSW , ABC RN VIC | MTuWThF | 7:35a- 8:30a | ABC RN SA | MTuWThF | 8:05a- 9:00a | ABC RN QLD | MTuWThF | 8:35a- 9:30a | ABC RN NT | MTuWThF | 10:05a-11:00a | ABC RN WA | MTuWThFSaSu | 2:05p- 3:00p | ABC Esperance , ABC Goldfields , ABC Great Southern WA , ABC Kimberley , ABC Mid West and Wheatbelt , ABC Pilbara , ABC R Perth , ABC SW WA | MTuWThSu | 7:05p- 8:00p | ABC Central Coast , ABC Central West NSW , ABC Coffs Coast , ABC Illawarra , ABC Mid North Coast , ABC New England NW , ABC Newcastle , ABC North Coast , ABC Northern TAS , ABC R Canberra , ABC R Hobart , ABC R Sydney , ABC Riverina , ABC SE NSW , ABC Upper Hunter , ABC Western Plains | MTuWThSu | 7:35p- 8:30p | ABC Broken Hill , ABC Eyre Peninsula , ABC North and West , ABC R Adelaide , ABC Riverland , ABC SE SA | MTuWThSu | 8:05p- 9:00p | ABC R Australia , ABC Capricornia , ABC Far North QLD , ABC Gold Coast , ABC NW QLD , ABC North QLD , ABC R Brisbane , ABC Southern QLD , ABC Sunshine Coast , ABC Tropical North , ABC Western QLD , ABC Wide Bay | MTuWThSu | 8:35p- 9:30p | ABC Alice Springs , ABC R Darwin | MTuWThSu | 10:05p-11:00p | ABC Esperance , ABC Goldfields , ABC Great Southern WA , ABC Kimberley , ABC Mid West and Wheatbelt , ABC Pilbara , ABC R Perth , ABC SW WA | MTuWThSu | 11:05p-12:00m | ABC RN NSW , ABC RN VIC | MTuWThSu | 11:35p-12:30a | ABC RN SA |